Aura’s ION generator creates two MILLION negative oxygen atoms, otherwise known as ions, per second and releases them into the surrounding atmosphere. Negative ions are invisible, scentless, and tasteless. But, your body can sense when there is an abundance. Negative ions occur naturally around large bodies of moving water such as waterfalls, rivers and a rainy day. That refreshing and energizing feeling you get when you arrive at a beach or waterfall are a result of negative ions. Indoor levels of negative ions tend to be lower than outdoors. That’s where Aura Cleaning System helps to maintain this level! Aura recreates the energizing feeling of being near a waterfall right in your home! Here are five reasons why the negative ions are beneficial for your health.
1. Negative ions clean the air.
All the dust and particles in the air in our homes are positively charged. Negative ions, created by Aura ION generator, attract dust and allergens and other positively charged airborne particles and basically lock them in, making them heavier and fall on the ground, removing them from the air.
2. Cleaner air reduces respiratory problems.
When the air is cleaner, it is easier to breathe. Particles in the air such as paint fumes, perfume, and smoke create difficulties for our respiratory passages, making it harder to breathe. Fewer particles in the air mean less coughing, fewer allergy symptoms, and better health.
3. Negative ions make our bodies more energetic.
Our bodies have biochemical reactions to negative ions that are revitalizing and energizing. There is a reason why we feel the way we do right after a good rainfall or being near a river.
4. The increase in energy makes us more productive.
When we stay indoors or spend ample time in front of a screen, we tend to feel groggier. That is because computer screens give off positive charges and deplete negative ions in the surrounding area. Also, indoor atmospheres tend to have low levels of negative ions in general.
5. Negative ions increase mental concentration and performance.
Studies have shown those who are exposed to higher levels of negative ions perform better on tests than those who aren’t. That is because negative ions promote oxygen flow to the brain.